Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Join the Resistance in Fredericksburg!

You have reached a public facing page for the Fredericksburg, VA Ingress Resistance aka Fredsistance.. First things first: if you are interested in joining the resistance team in the greater Fredericksburg, VA area, please click this link and fill out the requested information.

Here are some resources that you might find useful if you are new to playing ingress, the exciting game from google.

Ingress is available for an android phone. You can download ingress from the google play store by clicking this link.

Maybe you are an apple ios person. For over a year, you could not enjoy ingress.  That time is over, and apple users can now join the addictive fun by downloading ingress from this link.

If you are new to the game, you might be looking for some help. We suggest checking out the Decode ingress for more information. Even seasoned veterans still use the page from time to time. Decode ingress also offers an excellent manual you can use to help you get started. The most important link you will ever use is this one. It is the intel map that tells you where portals are, and who controls them.

Feel free to check out the official google+ page on ingress. Don't have a google+ account?  This is your opportunity to go ahead and set one up. There is also an unofficial google+ page for the resistance.
